本日重點: 學習 dplyr , tidyr 等套件中的資料清理及轉換技能

#setwd(dir) #設定working directory的存放位置
# MAC : setwd("/Users/rladiestaipei/R_DragonBall/") 
# Windows : setwd("C://Users/rladiestaipei/Desktop/R_DragonBall/")  

#install.packages(c("tidyverse", "ploty", "zoo", "lubridate", "rmarkdown","data.table", "DT", "kableExtra"), dependencies = TRUE)

#load packages

Part 1 : Read and load data

介紹兩種最常用的把資料載入的方式: read.csv() 以及 fread()

  • read.csv() : 是 R 的 base function,最常用也最直接讀入 csv 檔的方式
  • fread() : 來自 data.table library,當資料量大到一個程度的時候(ex. 百萬筆以上), fread() 會用更快的速度把資料載入
  • 若讀入的資料為 .xlsx 檔,可以用 xlsx::read.xlsx()
  • 大家可以用 str() (或 glimpse() )這兩個 function 來檢視 read.csv() 以及 fread() 讀入的資料差異為何?
#str(train1)        #檢視所有欄位
str(train1[,1:10])  #避免佔用教材過大篇幅,僅顯示前十個欄位
'data.frame':   1460 obs. of  10 variables:
 $ Id         : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ MSSubClass : int  60 20 60 70 60 50 20 60 50 190 ...
 $ MSZoning   : Factor w/ 5 levels "C (all)","FV",..: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 ...
 $ LotFrontage: int  65 80 68 60 84 85 75 NA 51 50 ...
 $ LotArea    : int  8450 9600 11250 9550 14260 14115 10084 10382 6120 7420 ...
 $ Street     : Factor w/ 2 levels "Grvl","Pave": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ Alley      : Factor w/ 2 levels "Grvl","Pave": NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ LotShape   : Factor w/ 4 levels "IR1","IR2","IR3",..: 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 4 ...
 $ LandContour: Factor w/ 4 levels "Bnk","HLS","Low",..: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...
 $ Utilities  : Factor w/ 2 levels "AllPub","NoSeWa": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':  1460 obs. of  10 variables:
 $ Id         : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ MSSubClass : int  60 20 60 70 60 50 20 60 50 190 ...
 $ MSZoning   : chr  "RL" "RL" "RL" "RL" ...
 $ LotFrontage: int  65 80 68 60 84 85 75 NA 51 50 ...
 $ LotArea    : int  8450 9600 11250 9550 14260 14115 10084 10382 6120 7420 ...
 $ Street     : chr  "Pave" "Pave" "Pave" "Pave" ...
 $ Alley      : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
 $ LotShape   : chr  "Reg" "Reg" "IR1" "IR1" ...
 $ LandContour: chr  "Lvl" "Lvl" "Lvl" "Lvl" ...
 $ Utilities  : chr  "AllPub" "AllPub" "AllPub" "AllPub" ...
 - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 


  • read.csv 讀入的資料會自動把類別型資料 categorical variables 轉換成factor,而 fread() 則預設把類別型資料讀入成文字 character
  • factor 讀入的好處是,我們用 str() 檢視的時候,可以很快的知道這個欄位有幾種數值,例如 LotShape 這個欄位,顯示為 Factor w/ 4 levels "IR1","IR2","IR3".... ,我們就知道此欄位至少有 IR1 ~ IR4 四種。
  • 若不希望 read.csv 做這樣的轉換,可以設定 stringsAsFactors = FALSE 即可。
  • factorcharacter 變數類型在後續跑模型的時候會有影響,有些模型只接受 categorical variables 一定得為 factor 才行,因此模型跑得熟練之後,大家就知道資料讀入的時候應該做何種設定比較合適。

Part 2 : 檢視 data 結構

  • 請搭配資料集介紹服用 link
  • dim() 看資料的行列數 (rows x columns)
    • 資料行(rows) : 水平資料為 rows , 也常被稱為 observationsrecords
    • 欄位(columns): 垂直資料為 columns ,也被稱為 fields ,單指資料集的垂直組合
    • 變數(variables):加入統計模型的 columns 通常稱為 variables
    • 參數(features):其實 columns , variables 都是一樣的概念,由於機器學習以及深度學習正夯,現在較廣泛地稱為 features 喔!
#讀入raw data 
train0<-read.csv("train.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
test0<-read.csv("test.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dim(train0)  #training data共有1460個房子的資料,81個欄位
[1] 1460   81
dim(test0)   #testing data共有1460個房子的資料,80個欄位
[1] 1459   80
#training 與 testing 資料差別在training data多了房價 (SalesPrice),這是testing data在建模完畢後最終要去預測的欄位
colnames(train0)[!colnames(train0) %in% colnames(test0)]  
[1] "SalePrice"

Part 3 : 初階資料清理及轉換

  • 分析資料的第一步就是理解資料,這也是考驗分析者R coding的基本功。

  • tidyverse 系列套件推出之前,資料的清理難度比現在高, rbind , cbind , subset , merge 到地老天荒( 其實只有我? ),還有腦筋要轉個幾圈才能搞懂的 apply , lapply , tapply , sapply , mapply 等等全部長很像系列家族。

  • 一直到 2014 年 dplyr package 推出後,R的語法變得更直覺,跟資料庫語言 SQL 更貼近,可以一步接著一步的 piping 語法(%>%)讓 R codes 變得更好讀,瞬間將 R 的 coding style 提升到另一個境界!!!

  • 後續推出的 tibble , tidyr , purrr 等套件,再加上本來就紅透半邊天的 ggplot2 ,如果沒聽過 tidyverse 家族?,別說你懂 R 。

3-1 : Subsetting data-資料行列的選取

3-1-1 : 選取特定欄位(select)


  Utilities LotConfig LandSlope Neighborhood Condition1 Condition2
1    AllPub    Inside       Gtl      CollgCr       Norm       Norm
2    AllPub       FR2       Gtl      Veenker      Feedr       Norm
3    AllPub    Inside       Gtl      CollgCr       Norm       Norm
4    AllPub    Corner       Gtl      Crawfor       Norm       Norm
5    AllPub       FR2       Gtl      NoRidge       Norm       Norm
6    AllPub    Inside       Gtl      Mitchel       Norm       Norm


dat<-train0%>%select(MSZoning, Utilities, HouseStyle, Heating, YearBuilt, SalePrice)
  MSZoning Utilities HouseStyle Heating YearBuilt SalePrice
1       RL    AllPub     2Story    GasA      2003    208500
2       RL    AllPub     1Story    GasA      1976    181500
3       RL    AllPub     2Story    GasA      2001    223500
4       RL    AllPub     2Story    GasA      1915    140000
5       RL    AllPub     2Story    GasA      2000    250000
6       RL    AllPub     1.5Fin    GasA      1993    143000


#1. 欄位含某個字串:選取欄位名稱含有Lot,Bsmt開頭,或是以Condition結尾
dat<-train0%>%select(contains("Lot"), starts_with("Bsmt"), ends_with("Condition"))
  LotFrontage LotArea LotShape LotConfig BsmtQual BsmtCond BsmtExposure BsmtFinType1 BsmtFinSF1
1          65    8450      Reg    Inside       Gd       TA           No          GLQ        706
2          80    9600      Reg       FR2       Gd       TA           Gd          ALQ        978
3          68   11250      IR1    Inside       Gd       TA           Mn          GLQ        486
4          60    9550      IR1    Corner       TA       Gd           No          ALQ        216
5          84   14260      IR1       FR2       Gd       TA           Av          GLQ        655
6          85   14115      IR1    Inside       Gd       TA           No          GLQ        732
  BsmtFinType2 BsmtFinSF2 BsmtUnfSF BsmtFullBath BsmtHalfBath SaleCondition
1          Unf          0       150            1            0        Normal
2          Unf          0       284            0            1        Normal
3          Unf          0       434            1            0        Normal
4          Unf          0       540            1            0       Abnorml
5          Unf          0       490            1            0        Normal
6          Unf          0        64            1            0        Normal
#2. 欄位符合某種pattern
dat<-train0%>%select(matches("Yr|Year|year|yr"))  #跟年份有關的欄位
  YearBuilt YearRemodAdd GarageYrBlt YrSold
1      2003         2003        2003   2008
2      1976         1976        1976   2007
3      2001         2002        2001   2008
4      1915         1970        1998   2006
5      2000         2000        2000   2008
6      1993         1995        1993   2009
#3. 刪除欄位
dat<-train0%>%select(-PoolArea, -Fence, -matches("Bsmt|Lot|Garage"))  #PoolArea, Fence, 含有Bsmt或Lot或Garage的欄位都刪除
 [1] "Id"            "MSSubClass"    "MSZoning"      "Street"        "Alley"         "LandContour"  
 [7] "Utilities"     "LandSlope"     "Neighborhood"  "Condition1"    "Condition2"    "BldgType"     
[13] "HouseStyle"    "OverallQual"   "OverallCond"   "YearBuilt"     "YearRemodAdd"  "RoofStyle"    
[19] "RoofMatl"      "Exterior1st"   "Exterior2nd"   "MasVnrType"    "MasVnrArea"    "ExterQual"    
[25] "ExterCond"     "Foundation"    "Heating"       "HeatingQC"     "CentralAir"    "Electrical"   
[31] "X1stFlrSF"     "X2ndFlrSF"     "LowQualFinSF"  "GrLivArea"     "FullBath"      "HalfBath"     
[37] "BedroomAbvGr"  "KitchenAbvGr"  "KitchenQual"   "TotRmsAbvGrd"  "Functional"    "Fireplaces"   
[43] "FireplaceQu"   "PavedDrive"    "WoodDeckSF"    "OpenPorchSF"   "EnclosedPorch" "X3SsnPorch"   
[49] "ScreenPorch"   "PoolQC"        "MiscFeature"   "MiscVal"       "MoSold"        "YrSold"       
[55] "SaleType"      "SaleCondition" "SalePrice"    

3-1-2 : 選取特定 rows (filter, slice, top_n)


plot_ly(train0, x=~SalePrice, type="histogram")
  1. 房價在某個範圍
range(train0$SalePrice)  #所有資料的房價範圍
[1]  34900 755000
dat<-train0%>%filter(SalePrice>=100000, SalePrice<=300000)
range(dat$SalePrice)  #選取後的房價範圍
[1] 100000 299800
[1] "84.3%"
  1. 根據欄位資料類型篩選
table(train0$SaleType)  #SaleType當中WD類型最多

  COD   Con ConLD ConLI ConLw   CWD   New   Oth    WD 
   43     2     9     5     5     4   122     3  1267 
#選SaleTeyp=="WD"的資料(WD:Warranty Deed - Conventional)

  1. 可根據多種條件
table(train0$YrSold, train0$SaleType)  #售出年份與SaleType的數量
       COD Con ConLD ConLI ConLw CWD New Oth  WD
  2006   5   0     2     1     1   0  43   1 261
  2007   5   0     0     0     0   3  40   2 279
  2008  14   1     5     0     1   1  14   0 268
  2009  14   0     2     3     3   0  18   0 298
  2010   5   1     0     1     0   0   7   0 161
  filter(YrSold<2008, SaleType=="New")   
table(dat$YrSold, dat$SaleType)
  2006  43
  2007  40
  1. 根據rows的位置
dat<-train0%>%slice(1000:1001)  #第1000-1001筆資料
    Id MSSubClass MSZoning
1 1000         20       RL
2 1001         20       RL
  1. 根據某欄位前幾名
dat<-train0%>%top_n(5, SalePrice)    
#列出Id, 社區名稱並將售價由高至低排序
head(dat%>%select(Id, Neighborhood, SalePrice)%>%arrange(-SalePrice))
    Id Neighborhood SalePrice
1  692      NoRidge    755000
2 1183      NoRidge    745000
3 1170      NoRidge    625000
4  899      NridgHt    611657
5  804      NridgHt    582933

3-2 : Grouping and summarizing


Neighborhood low high average sd
NoRidge 190000 755000 335295.32 121412.659
NridgHt 154000 611657 316270.62 96392.545
StoneBr 170000 556581 310499.00 112969.677
Timber 137500 378500 242247.45 64845.652
Veenker 162500 385000 238772.73 72369.318
Somerst 144152 423000 225379.84 56177.556
ClearCr 130000 328000 212565.43 50231.539
Crawfor 90350 392500 210624.73 68866.395
CollgCr 110000 424870 197965.77 51403.666
Blmngtn 159895 264561 194870.88 30393.229
Gilbert 141000 377500 192854.51 35986.779
NWAmes 82500 299800 189050.07 37172.218
SawyerW 76000 320000 186555.80 55651.998
Mitchel 84500 271000 156270.12 36486.625
NAmes 87500 345000 145847.08 33075.345
NPkVill 127500 155000 142694.44 9377.315
SWISU 60000 200000 142591.36 32622.918
Blueste 124000 151000 137500.00 19091.883
Sawyer 62383 190000 136793.14 22345.129
OldTown 37900 475000 128225.30 52650.583
Edwards 58500 320000 128219.70 43208.616
BrkSide 39300 223500 124834.05 40348.689
BrDale 83000 125000 104493.75 14330.176
IDOTRR 34900 169500 100123.78 33376.710
MeadowV 75000 151400 98576.47 23491.050

亦可增加 grouping 條件 (ex. street)

  group_by(Neighborhood, Street)%>%
Neighborhood Street low high average sd
Blmngtn Pave 159895 264561 194870.88 30393.229
Blueste Pave 124000 151000 137500.00 19091.883
BrDale Pave 83000 125000 104493.75 14330.176
BrkSide Pave 39300 223500 124834.05 40348.689
ClearCr Pave 130000 328000 212565.43 50231.539
CollgCr Pave 110000 424870 197965.77 51403.666
Crawfor Pave 90350 392500 210624.73 68866.395
Edwards Grvl 118500 118500 118500.00 NA
Edwards Pave 58500 320000 128317.88 43417.297
Gilbert Pave 141000 377500 192854.51 35986.779
IDOTRR Grvl 55993 110000 82331.00 27028.091
IDOTRR Pave 34900 169500 101693.74 33759.212
MeadowV Pave 75000 151400 98576.47 23491.050
Mitchel Pave 84500 271000 156270.12 36486.625
NAmes Pave 87500 345000 145847.08 33075.345
NoRidge Pave 190000 755000 335295.32 121412.659
NPkVill Pave 127500 155000 142694.44 9377.315
NridgHt Pave 154000 611657 316270.62 96392.545
NWAmes Pave 82500 299800 189050.07 37172.218
OldTown Pave 37900 475000 128225.30 52650.583
Sawyer Pave 62383 190000 136793.14 22345.129
SawyerW Pave 76000 320000 186555.80 55651.998
Somerst Pave 144152 423000 225379.84 56177.556
StoneBr Pave 170000 556581 310499.00 112969.677
SWISU Pave 60000 200000 142591.36 32622.918
Timber Grvl 186700 228950 207825.00 29875.262
Timber Pave 137500 378500 244159.81 65941.417
Veenker Pave 162500 385000 238772.73 72369.318


  group_by(YearBuilt, MasVnrType)%>%

plot_ly(dat, x = ~YearBuilt, y = ~average, text = ~MasVnrType, type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers', size = ~average, color = ~MasVnrType,
        #Choosing the range of the bubbles' sizes:
        sizes = c(10, 80),
        marker = list(opacity = 0.5, sizemode = 'diameter')) %>%
  layout(title = 'Estate Sale Price by Neighborhood',
         xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE),
         showlegend = TRUE)

3-3 Mutating : 建立新欄位

3-3-1 更改現有欄位名稱

BsmtQual看起來是地下室的 quality, 但看了資料說明才發現是 basement height 為了讓欄位名稱更直覺,決定改成 BsmtHght (注意:新名稱放前面)

1       Gd
2       Gd
3       Gd
4       TA
5       Gd
6       Gd

3-3-2 新增欄位

關於 basement 的欄位實在有點多,可以做一些合併

 [1] "BsmtQual"     "BsmtCond"     "BsmtExposure" "BsmtFinType1" "BsmtFinSF1"   "BsmtFinType2"
 [7] "BsmtFinSF2"   "BsmtUnfSF"    "TotalBsmtSF"  "BsmtFullBath" "BsmtHalfBath"
#以BsmtFullBath, BsmtHalfBath為例,可以將兩個欄位合併成BsmtBath
  mutate(BsmtBath=case_when(BsmtFullBath>0|BsmtHalfBath>0~1,  #只要有Bath,無論種類都標示為1,否則為0
  BsmtFullBath BsmtHalfBath BsmtBath
1            1            0        1
2            0            1        1
3            1            0        1
4            1            0        1
5            1            0        1
6            1            0        1

3-3-3 根據分組建立新欄位


  select(Id, OverallQual, SalePrice)
# A tibble: 10 x 3
# Groups:   OverallQual [4]
      Id OverallQual SalePrice
   <int>       <int>     <int>
 1     1           7    208500
 2     2           6    181500
 3     3           7    223500
 4     4           7    140000
 5     5           8    250000
 6     6           5    143000
 7     7           8    307000
 8     8           7    200000
 9     9           7    129900
10    10           5    118000

3-4 小練習 : 清理 Data description 檔案

很快地看一下 data description ,嗯,格式有點亂,欄位名稱跟數值顯示在同一欄

dcr0<-read.delim("data_description.txt", header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


把 data description 做個簡單清理與 reformatting

  #先切開欄位名稱跟該欄位的數值種類(by tab or space),切完後取前面那段
  mutate(feature=sapply(strsplit(V1, '\t|[[:space:]]'), "[", 1))%>%  
  filter(!is.na(feature))%>%           #為了下一步的fill, 先把空白的欄位用NA取代
  mutate_all(na_if, "")%>%             #把feature這個欄位的NA用前一個非NA的值取代
  fill(feature, .direction="down")%>% 
  rename(value=V1, description=V2)%>%  #改成比較直覺的名稱
  select(feature, value, description)

利用 DT , datatable 建立一個方便查詢的表格 (可輸入某欄位名稱,檢視所有數值代表的涵意)

datatable(dcr, options = list(pageLength=20))

Part 4 : 進階資料清理及轉換

4-1 Reshaping

  • BsmtFinType1 以及 BsmtFinType2 是記錄房屋的多種 finish type
  • 我們可以試著把這些 finish type 變成獨立的欄位,也就是每種 BsmtFinishType 都變成一個變數
  • 利用 tidyr 中的 spread function把欄位展開
  • 我們先分別把 BsmtFinType1 以及 BsmtFinType2 展開之後合併加總,最後再把兩組資料利用 Id 併回原始資料
  • ps. 跟 spread 相反的 function 是 gather
fintype1<-train0%>%             #計算每個Id在某個BsmtFinType1出現的頻率
  group_by(Id, BsmtFinType1)%>%
  spread(BsmtFinType1, count, fill=0)  #fill=0的意思是該Id沒有某種Type時,用0取代,預設值為NA
# A tibble: 6 x 8
# Groups:   Id [6]
     Id   ALQ   BLQ   GLQ   LwQ   Rec   Unf `<NA>`
  <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
1     1     0     0     1     0     0     0      0
2     2     1     0     0     0     0     0      0
3     3     0     0     1     0     0     0      0
4     4     1     0     0     0     0     0      0
5     5     0     0     1     0     0     0      0
6     6     0     0     1     0     0     0      0
  group_by(Id, BsmtFinType2)%>%
  spread(BsmtFinType2, count, fill=0)
# A tibble: 6 x 8
# Groups:   Id [6]
     Id   ALQ   BLQ   GLQ   LwQ   Rec   Unf `<NA>`
  <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
1     1     0     0     0     0     0     1      0
2     2     0     0     0     0     0     1      0
3     3     0     0     0     0     0     1      0
4     4     0     0     0     0     0     1      0
5     5     0     0     0     0     0     1      0
6     6     0     0     0     0     0     1      0
  bind_rows(fintype1, fintype2) %>%            
  group_by(Id) %>%
  summarise_all(funs(sum(., na.rm = TRUE)))%>% 
  rename_all(function(x) paste0("BsmtFinType_", x)) #標記"BsmtFinType"當作prefix

#併回train data
  left_join(bsmtfintype, by=c("Id"="BsmtFinType_Id"))

我們可以看到原本兩個欄位已經成功合併並且展開,利用這樣的方法我們可以把重要的 feature 做更多層次的運用。

datatable(train%>%select(Id, contains("BsmtFinType")))


請挑選 training data 中 1-3 個你覺得重要的欄位,或好幾個性質類似的欄位,進行轉換,拆解,或合併(自由發揮)。